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Hetty Einzig

Hetty’s career is diverse. She co-established a successful London contemporary art gallery, worked as a journalist, and co-developed and presented A Problem Aired, the first live television counselling programme. Hetty has written, co-written and co-edited a number of books since the 1980’s. Hetty and Jonathan first worked together in the late 90’s.

Hetty takes a holistic approach spanning work, life and strategic development. Her roots lie in transpersonal psychology, a values and potential based model that works with the cognitive, emotional, physical and spiritual as an interconnected whole. She seeks to inspire leaders to create new opportunities for themselves, their companies and their communities.

She holds a Masters degree in History of Art from the Courtauld Institute (University of London) and a Masters in Psychoanalytic and Systemic Approaches to Consulting with Organisations from the Tavistock Centre (University of East London).

Her book, The Future of Coaching: vision, leadership and responsibility in a transformed world, was published in May 2017 by Routledge.

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